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Swinging for a Cause: TRC’s Annual Golf Outing Supports UPMC Hillman Cancer Center

By: Shannon Kroskie Smith

In 2020, Tom Rectenwald Construction, Inc. (TRC) teed up a powerful tradition: their first charity golf outing. But this wasn’t just about birdies and bogeys—it was about making a difference. With unwavering resolve, TRC chose UPMC Hillman Cancer Center as the beneficiary, driven by personal connections and a shared commitment to compassionate care.

TRC President Aaron Rectenwald and event organizer Mark Evelsizer know firsthand the impact of Hillman’s high-quality care.

Aaron’s father and best friend, Tom, was treated at Hillman, ultimately giving them more father-son time. Disease-free for five years, Tom and Aaron continue their daily lunches.

Mark’s late wife Marti received care from many different caregivers at Hillman who worked together to address Marti’s disease progression and metastases. Although Marti lost her battle in February 2021, Mark appreciated how collaborative and compassionate the Hillman team was, including the one caregiver who shared her phone number with the intention that Marti could call her any time of day.

The personal level of care, kindness, and compassion that patients receive from everyone at UPMC Hillman profoundly impacted Mark and Aaron, inspiring them to support the center’s cause.

 “Our business takes us all over the world,” Aaron said. “Hillman is known for some of the best oncology work in the country … we were never in a place where you felt more welcomed.” 

Aaron and Mark, friends, and their daughters’ dance team “prop dads”, identified that the compassion and understanding exhibited by and between UPMC employees mirrors the TRC organization. This cultural alignment is part of what propels the TRC community year after year. Mark calls it a full-team event. Aaron agrees, saying everybody wants to chip in. There is never a shortage of volunteers who lend their time and talents to running the outing.

The event is now in its fifth year. The planning committee, which includes Steve Koerper, Donald Booker, and Hilary Rectenwald, organizes a two-day event at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort.  The venue is chosen for its beautiful landscapes and the amenities in and around the resort, giving nongolfers a reason to tag along. Golfing is the focus on Thursday and Friday, with play on each of the 18-hole courses.  On Thursday evening, there is a dinner where Aaron and Mark share their personal stories of why UPMC Hillman means so much to them. Mark noted, “This evening has gotten more special over the years as many [outing] participants have had their own challenges with cancer and had their own experience with UPMC Hillman … they know it’s a great cause.”

TRC’s motivation for supporting Hillman is simple. Aaron summarized, “If it isn’t you that gets cancer, it’s going to be somebody you care about deeply, and trying to get out in front of it is the best thing we can do.” This year’s event is on September 19 and 20,2024. To register or learn more, click here.